Book review 31: The Slut Chronicles by Kritika Sharma.

Kritika Sharma's
book 'The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed'  is the first book of the trilogy. The book stresses on a very serious and sensitive issue. Women in our society are often victims of 'slut-shaming'. They are judged and are tagged as 'characterless' or termed as 'slut' by the judgemental and hypercritical society of ours.

This book tells the story of a successful and famous woman, Ishana. We come to know about her past life. How she had been in love and was betrayed. People around her in the big bad world try to pull her down. She has been slut-shamed and what not. Ishana faced really tough situations in her life which helped her to emerge stronger out of it. 
The story is so interesting that it kept me hooked to the book. It took me a few hours to complete reading this book. Every little incident is described very well in details. The characters are relatable as well. The narration is fast paced and the author has used simple language and hence is an easy, light read. The chapters are short and not at all draggy and boring. 
The ending has left me wanting to know more. I am extremely eager to know what lies ahead in the story, and I can't wait to read the next part of this gripping and interesting book.

Altogether, it was a great read. I really loved this book. 'The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed' is a perfect romantic thriller. This book is highly recommended to people who love reading books that belong to the romantic thriller genre.

About the author : Kritika Sharma is an author, blogger and Associate Director in Nielsen, India. She is a woman of passion and spirit who believes in possibilities and loves to challenge her own limits by learning something new every day. She has been writing ever since she held a pencil. Writing refreshes her and energises her.
The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed is her fifth book. Previously she has traditionally published four books under her name, ‘Manage your Manager’ (2013), ‘Live-in with a Ghost’ (2015), ‘AbstracTales’ (2017) and Treacherous Desires (2017).

My rating : 3.5 of 5 stars.
Publisher : Kalamos Literary Services.
First Published : June 2018
Pages : 264
Price : ₹139/-

Thanks to the publisher, Kalamos Literary Services, for the review copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. 


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