Book Review 38: The Undying Self by Anthony Duart Maclean.
'The Undying Self: Vedic Wisdom in the New Millenium' by Anthony Duart Maclean is a book that talks about the power of Vedantic knowledge in present times and it explores several dimensions of Indian philosophy.
The book is divided into three parts. The first part is 'Yoga and The Bliss of Being'. It talks about India's Vedic Civilization, Key Concepts and Principles, India's Perennial Four Paths of Yoga and Vedanta. The second part is 'Manifesto Spiritual'. It discusses in detail about our inner self, identity, the essence of spirituality, philosophy and leadership. The last and final part is 'The Primacy of Consciousness'.
All the topics are extremely insightful and discussed in great detail.
This book on spirituality is a great book which invites self-enquiry and also encourages the reader to reflect deeply on peace and inner well-being.
In modern times when peace is hard to find, and inner peace is very rare; when most of the population suffers from anxiety and depression at some point in their life, self-realisation and tranquillity is what is highly required. A book like this tells the readers the path to peace.
Readers who like reading books on spirituality, this is a must-read for you people.
About the author : Anthony Duart Maclean has been a teacher and seminar leader for the past 40 years. He specializes in stress reduction and increased well-being at all levels, with an emphasis on meditation, breathwork, Yoga and self-enquiry.
In 1974, Duart was recognized by the Maharshi Mahesh Yogi as a qualified teacher of the TranscendalMeditation technique.
Along with his life partner Lyse LeBeau, he is also the co-author of the book, Awakening The Fire Within: Relationship, Leadership & Self-Esteem.
Since 1994, Duart has been a devoted student of the teachings of the renowned sage, Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950). It is the wisdom and profundity of Sri Ramana that inspired Duart to write his second book, 'The Undying Self: Vedic Wisdom in the New Millenium'.
My rating : 4 of 5 stars.
Publisher : Rupa Publications.
First Published : November 2017
Pages : 193
Price : ₹295/-
Thanks to the publisher, Rupa Publications, for the review copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Publisher : Rupa Publications.
First Published : November 2017
Pages : 193
Price : ₹295/-
Thanks to the publisher, Rupa Publications, for the review copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
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