Launch of Six exclusive Tagore books by Niyogi Books on 21st April,2018.

Hello everyone! Hope you all are doing well. In this post, I am gonna talk about the book launch that I attended recently.

On 21st of April, 2018, Niyogi Books organised an event at the Oxford Bookstores, Kolkata, where six exclusive Tagore books were launched. Eminent Poet, Scholar, Critic and Academic Sankha Ghosh was present at the do. The panellists at the event were Professors Amiya Dev, Sourin Bhattacharya and Somdatta Mandal.

Book Launch

The six titles, some of which are translations of Tagore's works, launched at the event were - Gleanings of the Road (Pather Sanchay), My Reminiscences (Jiban Smriti), The Post Office (Dak Ghar), Sadhana The Realisation of Life (Sadhana), Glimpses of Bengal (Select Letters 1885-1895), and Rereading Tagore. All these books aim at upholding the greatness of Tagorean Literature to the non-Bengali population, and thus, cannot read the original works of Tagore. 
The launch of the books was followed by a session where the panellists addressed the audience about Tagore and his works. This was followed by a discussion by Prof. Sourin Bhattacharyya on 'How to read Tagore and Why?'. He remarked on a humorous note that the only strategy to read Tagore is to "Take the books down from the shelf and read them". 
Next up was an open house session. The audience was free to ask questions about the topic of the discussion to the panellists. 
The event ended with Trisha Niyogi delivering the Vote of Thanks. 

Overall, it was a brilliant session. I was extremely delighted and glad to attend such an amazing event.

The Blogger team at the Event

With Trisha Niyogi

Thanks to Niyogi Books and Trisha Niyogi for the invitation to this inspiring and great event.


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