Book Review 86: Legitimacy of Power by Dilip Sinha.

Legitimacy of Power: The Permanence of Five in the Security Council by Dilip Sinha is an informative and brilliant piece of work. I have always chosen fiction over non-fiction, but recently as I am reading more of the non-fiction genre, I am intrigued and amazed by the brilliance of this genre. As is evident from the title of the book, it talks about the working and operations of the United Nations, more specifically, about one of its most important organ, Security Council. It is a study of international security cooperation and its international law. It has historical details about how the organisation came into being, with UK, USA, Russia, France and China as the Permanent Five members, and how it has been working since. The book is divided into 16 chapters, each chapter describing the various aspects of the UN, from its formation to the modern times. It is extremely informative and contains a detailed description. Legitimacy of Power is a perfect academic text and is suit...