5 Unique Ways To Tackle Reader's Block - #TheBookBlogTrain

We readers, often face a problem where we cannot proceed reading a book. We cannot concentrate and feel distracted. This is a very common phenomenon among readers, and this is termed as 'reader's block'. This can have various causes, like sudden shifts in routine, changes in personal life etc. We do not feel like reading, cannot concentrate, and it feels terrible. Ugh! I hate reader's block. The TBR pile keeps growing while you cannot proceed with the books that you are reading. However, if you are facing reader's block, do not worry. Here are five unique ways to tackle reader's block! 1. Read a book that you have read before and loved: Try reading the book which you absolutely loved and enjoyed reading previously. Trust me, this is a very useful technique to tackle reader's block. A few days back, I could not concentrate on a single book and was suffering from a terrible reader's block. I tried reading A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hossei...