Book Review 51: Sometimes it Happens by Karan Sharma.

Karan Sharma's novel Sometimes it Happens is a romantic tale of two smart professionals - Gautam, who is a twenty-five-year-old upcoming professional and Roshni, a senior management member working in the same multi-national bank. However, as Roshni is twelve years older than Gautam, they themselves have doubts about their relationship in their minds. The author has done a commendable job in portraying such a beautiful relationship between the main characters. The society has always been judgemental about relationships which involve a woman older than the man. It's high time, and people need to become more open-minded. The story is narrated in a perfect pace and written in a lucid language. It is a very light read and does not take much time to read. I completed reading it within a few hours. The plot is much like a Bollywood movie. However, the message conveyed in the story is really amazing. If you are someone who loves romance novels, this book is for ...